Monday, March 22, 2010

03/22: Create An External Library In .Net And Call It In Smarteam



Development Environment Setup

  • Copy all files of Smarteam’s Assembly from Windows GAC to a specified  folder (C:\Program Files\SmarTeam\Bin\Assembly)
  • Register this folder under window registry



if not exist "C:\Program Files\SmarTeam\Bin\Assembly" md "C:\Program Files\SmarTeam\Bin\Assembly"
for /R %WINDIR%\assembly\GAC_32 %%f in (SmarTeam.Std.*.dll) do copy  %%f  "C:\Program Files\SmarTeam\Bin\Assembly"
call regedit /s RegisterSmarTeamAssemblies.reg

copy "C:\Program Files\SmarTeam\Bin\DRLTools\*.dll"  "C:\Program Files\SmarTeam\Bin\Assembly"



Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
(c) 2006 SmarTeam Corp. Ltd


@="C:\\Program Files\\SMARTEAM\\Bin\\Assembly"



Steps :

  • Create a library file .net
  • Add some smarteam reference
  • Add class files
    • Application.vb

        Option Explicit On
        Imports SmarTeam.Std.Interop.SmarTeam
        Imports SmarTeam.Std.Constants

        Public Class Application

            Public Function MyExample(ByRef SmSession As SmApplic.SmSession, ByRef FirstRec As SmRecList.SmRecordList) As Short
                With New clsExamples
                    MyExample = IIf(.MyExample(SmSession, FirstRec), BFERRPUB.Err_None_N, BFERRPUB.Err_Gen_N)
                End With
            End Function

        End Class

    • clsExample.vb

        Option Explicit On
        Imports SmarTeam.Std.Interop.SmarTeam
        Imports SmarTeam.Std.Constants

        Friend Class clsExamples

            Public Function MyExample(ByRef SmSession As SmApplic.SmSession, _
                        ByRef FirstRec As SmRecList.SmRecordList) As Boolean
                MsgBox("My login name is: " & SmSession.UserMetaInfo.UserLogin & vbNewLine & _
                       "There were " & CStr(FirstRec.RecordCount) & " objects selected.", _
                        MsgBoxStyle.Information, BFCOMPUB.NM_OUR_COMPANY_NAME)
                MyExample = True
            End Function
        End Class

  • Add a strong key and Sign this assembly
  • Deploy to server:
    • Register:
      • "C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v1.1.4322\RegAsm.exe" "C:\Customize2\Exercise 3\bin\DSSimpleTest..dll" /codebase
    • Unregister:
      • "C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v1.1.4322\RegAsm.exe" "C:\Customize2\Solution 1\bin\DSSimpleTest..dll" /unregister
  • Write script function to invoke this dll
    • sdytest.ebs

        Option Explicit
        '    This file contains sample functions for the Customize 2 training
        '    (c) 2006 SmarTeam Corp. Ltd

        '    This function can be hooked as a user defined tool and demonstrates the usage
        '    of the Smart Basic Editor combined with a COM object
        Function SDExample (ApplHndl As Long,Sstr As String,FirstPar As Long,SecondPar As Long,_
                             ThirdPar As Long ) As Integer
            Dim SmSession     As SmApplic.SmSession
            Dim FirstRec    As Object
            Dim DSSimpleTest    As Object
            '    Get the session and get the selected data
            Set SmSession = SCREXT_ObjectForInterface(Applhndl)
            CONV_RecListToComRecordList FirstPar, FirstRec
            '    Create a connection to our own object
            Set DSSimpleTest = CreateObject("DSSimpleTest.Application")
            ' Note : Namespace_Name.Class_name of .net code
            '    Now call the method - procedure or function
            DSSimpleTest.MyExample SmSession,FirstRec
            '    Release the dll object
            Set DSSimpleTest = Nothing
        End Function

    • Copy this file to smarteam script folder
    • In script maintenance  of admin console, invoke function with hooked event


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