Wednesday, March 10, 2010

03/10: Smart Team | C++ In WCE


User Defined Tool :

Sample Function to show ID:


Function ShowID(ApplHndl As Long,Sstr As String, _
            FirstPar As Long, SecondPar As Long, ThirdPar As Long ) As Integer

    Dim rlFirstRec            As Object
    Dim DataRecord             As Object
    Dim ID                    As String
    Dim Description         As String

    'Convert the first recordlist parameter to a SmRecordList
    CONV_RecListToComRecordList FirstPar, rlFirstRec

    'Get the first record from the SmRecordList

   ‘ Be sure to put Set there . waster a few hours for missing set
    Set    DataRecord = rlFirstRec.GetRecord(0)

    'Get attributes
    ID = DataRecord.ValueAsString("TDM_ID")
    Description =  DataRecord.ValueAsString("TDM_DESCRIPTION")

    'Display the part ID
    Msgbox "The object: " & ID & " " & Description, ebInformation, "SMARTEAM"

    ShowID = Err_None   

End Function




Windows Mobile使用Native C++开发多线程程序


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