Thursday, February 18, 2010

0219: Simple Binary Operators(ZT)

        expression + expression
        expression - expression
        expression * expression
        expression / expression
        expression % expression
        expression == expression
        expression != expression
        expression < expression
        expression > expression
        expression <= expression
        expression >= expression
        expression && expression
        expression || expression
        expression & expression
        expression | expression
        expression ^ expression
        expression << expression
        expression >> expression

The binary + operator, when applied to numbers, yields the sum of the numbers. One of its operands may also be a pointer to an object in an array. In this case, the result is a pointer to the same array, offset by the number to another object in the array. For example, if p points to an object in an array, p + 1 points to the next object in the array and p - 1 points to the previous object, regardless of the object's type.

The binary - operator, when applied to numbers, yields the difference of the numbers. If the first operand is a pointer and the second is a number, the rules for addition of pointers and numbers apply. For example, if p is a pointer, p - 3 is the same as p + -3.

Both operands may also be pointers to objects in the same array. In this case the result is the difference between them, measured in objects. For example, if arr is an array of ten ints, p1 points to the third int, and p2 points to the eighth, then p1 - p2 yields the int -5. The result is undefined if the operands are pointers to different arrays.

The binary * operator is for multiplication, and the / operator is for division. The latter truncates toward 0 if its operands are positive, but the direction of truncation is undefined if either operand is negative. The % operator provides the remainder of the division of its operands, and x % y is always equal to x - (x / y) * y. All three operators take only numbers and yield ints.

The == operator yields one if its arguments are equal and zero otherwise. The arguments must either both be numbers, both spots, or both pointers to objects of the same type. However, if one argument is the constant zero, the other may be a spot or any type of pointer, and the expression yields one if the pointer is null, and zero otherwise. The != operator is just like the == operator, but returns one where == would return zero, and zero where == would return one. The result of either operator is always an int.

The <, >, <=, and >= operators have a value of one when the first operand is less than, greater than, less than or equal to, or greater than or equal to (respectively) the second operand. The operands may both be numbers, they may be pointers to the same array, or one may be a pointer or spot and the other zero. In the last case, Epsilon returns values based on the convention that a null pointer or spot is equal to zero and a non-null one is greater than zero. The result is undefined if the operands are pointers to different arrays of the same type, and it is an error if they are pointers to different types of objects, or if one is a spot and the other is neither a spot nor zero.

The && operator yields one if both operands are nonzero, and zero otherwise. Each operand may be a pointer, spot, or number. Moreover, the first operand is evaluated first, and if it is zero, the second operand will not be evaluated. The result is an int.

The || operator yields one if either of its operands are nonzero, and zero if both are zero. Each operand may be a pointer, spot, or number. The first operand is evaluated first, and if it is nonzero, the second operand will not be evaluated. The result is an int.

The & operator yields the bitwise AND of its numeric operands. The | and ^ operators yields the bitwise OR and XOR (respectively) of their numeric operands. The result for all three is an int. A bit in the result of an AND is on if both corresponding bits in its operands are on. A bit in the result of an OR is on if either of the corresponding bits in its operands are on. A bit in the result of an XOR is on if one of the corresponding bits in its operands is on and the other is off.

The << operator yields the first operand with its bits shifted to the left the number of times given by the right operand. The >> operator works similarly, but shifts to the right. The former fills with zero bits, and the latter fills with one bits if the first operand was negative, and zero bits otherwise. If the second operand is negative or greater than 31, the result is undefined. Both operands must be numbers, and the result is an int.


interview question 1:


Has two integers , how to switch odd and even bit ?


Example : 10001010->01000101


1. right shit 1 all odd bits : number(10001010)

(number & 0xaaaaaaaa)>>1(a: 1010)

2. left shit 1 all even bits:

(number & 0x55555555) <<1(5:0101)

3. result 1 or result 2

((number & 0xaaaaaaaa)>>1 )| ((number & 0x55555555) <<1(5:0101))


Interview question 2:

How to tell the bit difference for two integer ?


// a xor b to get a number 

int Getbitdifferntcount(int a, int b)


int result=0;


for (int c=a^b;c!=0;c>>1)


// tell last bit is 0 or not






return result;






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