Tuesday, February 16, 2010



  • Add Sitecollection ( can also be done via web service)

      // args(0) = Site url
                  // args(1) = Title
                  // args(2) = Description
                  // args(3) = Web template
                  // args(4) = Owner login
                  // args(5) = Owner name
                  // args(6) = Owner email

      string[] arrSitePath = args[0].Split('/');
                  string strServerPath = (arrSitePath[0] + ("//" + arrSitePath[2]));
                  SPSite site = new SPSite(strServerPath);
                  // Get the list of site collections for the web application
                  SPSiteCollection siteCollection = Site.WebApplication.Sites;

      siteCollection.Add(args[0], args[1], args[2], 1033, args[3], args[4], args[5], args[6]);
                  // Step 5: Confirm site collection information

  • Add Site:( can also be done via web service)

      // args(0) = Site collection url
                 // args(1) = Site (web) url
                 // args(2) = Title
                 // args(3) = Description
                 // args(4) = Template

      string strSitePath = args[0];
                SPSite site = new SPSite(strSitePath);

      SPWeb web = site.AllWebs.Add(args[1],args[2],args[3],(uint)1033,args[4],false,false);

  • Modifying properties of site


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