Tuesday, February 16, 2010

0215: SP Event Handler

  • Asynchronous vs Synchronous Events: The "ing" and the "ed"
    • Asynchronous : Occour after event
    • Synchronous :” Occour before event
  • Microsoft.SharePoint.SPWebEventReceiver : "Site Level"
    • image

      Limitations of Event Handler in SharePoint

      Strangely there is no “SiteAdding”, “SiteAdded” event. However, if you really need this event you could create a “feature” to accomplish this. Features in SharePoint have a “FeatureActivated” event, where you could perform an action on creation of a site.

  • Microsoft.SharePoint.SPListEventReceiver : "List Level"
    • image
  • Microsoft.SharePoint.SPItemEventReceiver : "List Item  Level:”
    • image
  • Bulk operations In SP
    • The MSDN documentation mentions that event handlers will not fire when bulk operation is occurring. For example, when a new list is created, the FieldAdding event will not fire.
  • Deploy event handler


Example to Add an itemadded event handler

  • Create a empty sharepoint project named SetDocFieldsLib and select GAC deployment option(need to install Sharepoint developer Tools 9.0)
    • Add SetDocFields.cs to project :

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using Microsoft.SharePoint;

namespace SetDocFieldsLib

        public class SetDocFields : SPItemEventReceiver
                // Name of hidden item that contains default properties
                const string DEFAULT_FILE_TITLE = "[defaults]";

                // local varialble to contain data passed in from SharePoint
                private SPItemEventProperties  _properties;

                // Method called AFTER a new item has been added
                public override void ItemAdded(SPItemEventProperties properties)
                    _properties = properties;

                    // Run under system account

                private void setFields()
                    // Step 1: Get a handle to the item that raised the event
                    SPListItem item = _properties.ListItem;

                    // Step 2: Get a handle to folder containing the
                    // document just uploaded
                    SPFolder folder = null;
                        if (item.File.ParentFolder != null)
                            folder = item.File.ParentFolder;
                            folder = item.ParentList.RootFolder;
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        // No op

                    // Step 3: Assuming a folder was found (which
                    // should be in all cases, find the associated
                    // [defaults] document.
                    if (folder != null)
                        SPFileCollection files = folder.Files;
                        string client = "";
                        string matter = "";

                        // Step 4: Find the document containing defaults, and
                        // use its "Client" and "Matter" values for
                        // new document
                        foreach (SPFile file in files)
                            if (file.Title.ToLower() == DEFAULT_FILE_TITLE)
                                client = file.Item["Client"].ToString();
                                matter = file.Item["Matter"].ToString();
                        item["Client"] = client;
                        item["Matter"] = matter;

                        // Step 5: Save changes without updating the
                        // MODIFIED, MODIFIED BY fields

  • Deploy to gac by clicking deploy in VS 
  • Create a console program named InstallEventHandlertext
    • Add sharepoint.dll reference
    • Add program.cs
    • using System;
      using System.Collections.Generic;
      using System.Linq;
      using System.Text;
      using Microsoft.SharePoint;

      namespace InstallEventHandlertext
          class Program
              static void Main(string[] args)
                      SPSite site = new SPSite("http://dayang-49u5xli7:6666/");//指定网站

                      SPWeb web = site.OpenWeb();

                      SPList list = web.Lists["List Docs"];//指定List

                     // list.EventReceivers.Add(SPEventReceiverType.ItemDeleting, "EventHandlerText, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=cf7ff21d37419004", "EventHandlerText.ItemLogEvent");//添加Event Handler

                      list.EventReceivers.Add(SPEventReceiverType.ItemAdded, "SetDocFieldsLib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=0baa325f9c0cba8f", "SetDocFieldsLib.SetDocFields");//添加Event Handler


                  catch (Exception ex)


  • Open reflector to get public token value  and modify it in program.cs
  • Run the console program

Debug eventhandler

  • set breakpoint
  • attach wswp.exe process
  • In SP, execute changes to trigger event .



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