Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Pingpong Terms

Aarons, Hughes Ruth || (USA) 1936 and 1937 World Champion (Women’s single)
accuracy | 准确(性)| n.
ace | 发球得分 | n.
adjust | 调整 | v.
advantage | 优势 | n.
aggressive | 具有进攻性的 | a.
agile | 灵活的 | a.
agility | 灵活(性) | n.
all-out | 全攻型的 | a. an all-out hitter
all-round | 全能的,技术全面的 | a. It’s good to have an all-round game and
play all the strokes properly. ||
American grip (See Seemiller grip) np.
An | 安宰亨 (韩国选手) | (KOR) ?
angle (closed angle; open angle) | 角度(合角/朝下,仰角/朝上) | n.
anti- (anti-topspin; anti-loop) | 防 (上旋,弧旋,旋转) | pref.
anti-doping | 反兴奋剂的 | a. the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) | 世界反兴
奋组织 | Anti-doping code | 反兴奋剂条例 |
antispin | 防转胶皮 | n. an inverted rubber sheet that’s very slick, so
spin doesn’t take on it. It usually has a dead sponge underneath. It’s
mostly used for defensive shots. Also known as anti.
arc | 弧线 | n.
arm | 手臂 | n. upper arm | 大/上臂 |
assessment | 评估 | n.
attack | 进攻 | v. a devastating ~ (?)
attack after serve | 发抢(发球抢攻的缩略)|
attack on serve | 接发抢 (接发球抢攻的缩略)|
attacker | 攻击型选手, 进攻方 | n.
AUT | 奥地利 | Austria
B English-Chinese Table Tennis Dictionary
back | 背 | n.
back | 后面的 | a.
backhand | 反手 | n. A shot done with the racket to the left of the left
elbow for a right-hander, the reverse for a left-hander.
Backhand backside drive / loop
backing | 抵, 顶 | n.
backspin | 下旋, 下转 | n. A type of spin used mostly on defensive shots.
When you chop the ball, you produce backspin. The bottom of the ball will
move away from you. This is also called chop or underspin.
backward | 向后 | adv.
badge | 胸徽,袖徽等标牌 | n.
balance | 平衡 | n. a good ~ of speed and spin
ball | 球 | n.
band | 带子,套子 | n. head ~ 额带,wrist ~ 护腕
Barna, Victor || (HUN) 1930, 1932, 1933, 1933 and 1935 World Champion (Men’
s single)
barrier | 球挡 | n.
bat | 球拍 | n.
bat | 球拍 | n.
be down | 落后 | v.
beat | 打败 | v.
BEL | 比利时 | Belgium
Bengtsson (Stellan Bengtsson) | 本格森 (瑞典) | (SWE)1971 World Champion
bent | 弯曲 | v.
Bergmann, Richard || (AUT) 1937, (ENG) 1939, 1948 and 1950 World Champion (
Men’s single)
best four (of seven) | 七局四胜制 | np.
best three (of five) | 五局三胜制 | np.
best two (of three) | 三局两胜制 | np.
blade | (乒乓球)底板 | n. The racket, usually without covering. | 无覆盖物的
球拍 | shakehand ~ | 横握式底板 | penhold ~ | 直握式底板 | Japanese penhold
~ | 日本式直握底板 | Japanese hinoki single ply ~ | 日本式桧木地板 | Carbon
~ | 碳精/素底板 | arylate ~ | 芳基纤维底板 | titantium ~ | 钛底板 |
offensive ~ | 进攻型底板 | defensive ~ | 防守型底板 | allround ~ | 全面型底
板 |
block | 挡球, 推挡 | v. n. A quick, off the bounce return of an aggressive
drive done by holding the racket in the ball’s path.
blocker | 推挡型选手 |
BLR | 白俄罗斯 | Byelorussia
Boll | 波尔 (德国选手) | (GER)
bounce | 弹,跳 | v. n.
break | 打破,破坏 | v. to break the looper’s rhythm ||
brush | 摩擦 | v. n.
bucket | 球筐 | n. a ~ of balls for multi-ball practice
C English-Chinese Table Tennis Dictionary
calves | |
Cao Yanhua | 曹燕华(中国选手)| (CHN) 1983 and 1985 World Champion (Women’
s single)
captain | 队长 | n.
center line | 中线 | np.
change line | 变线 |
cheerleader | 啦啦队长 | n.
chest | 胸 | n.
Chiang Peng Lung | 蒋澎龙 (台北选手) | (TPE)
Chiu Chung-hui | 邱钟惠(中国选手)| (CHN) 1961 World Champion (Women’s
CHN | 中国 | China
chop | 削球 | v. n. A defensive return of a drive with backspin, usually
done from well away from the table. (see backspin)
chop block | 下旋推挡 | np. A block where the racket is chopped down at
contact to create backspin.
chopper | 削球选手 | n. A  of play where chopping is the primary shot.
Chuang Tse-tung | 庄则栋 (中国选手)| (CHN) 1961, 1963 and 1965 World
Champion (Men’s single)
closed | (球拍)前倾, (球拍)下压 | a.
closed racket | 前倾的/下压的球拍,压拍型 | np. Racket position in which the
hitting surface is aimed downward, with the top edge leaning away from you.
[参看open racket |亮拍型|]
coach | 教练 | n.
comeback | 追上, 扳回 | n.
concentration | 注意力集中 | n.
confidence | 自信 | n.
consistency | 稳定(性)| n.
consistent | 始终的 | a.
consistently | 始终地 | a.
consolation singles | 安慰赛单打| np.
constantly | 不停地 | a.
contact | 接触 | v. n.
control | 控制 | v. n. receive control (接发球控制)
Corbillon (Cup) | 考比伦 (杯) (女子团体冠军)| n.
corner | 角落 | n.
counter-attack | 反攻 | n.
counterdrive | 反攻, 对攻 | v. n A drive made against a drive. Some players
specialize in counterdriving.
counter-loop | 反拉弧旋,反拉 | v. n. To loop a loop. (see loop)
countersmash | 反攻, 对攻 | v. n. To smash a smash. (see smash)
court | 比赛赛区 | n.
CRE | 希腊 | Greece
CRO | 克罗地亚 | Croatia
crosscourt | 球台对角的 | a. A ball that is hit diagonally from corner to
corner. ||
crossover | 交叉步 | n. A  of footwork for covering the wide forehand.
crucial | 关键的 | a.
cut | 削球 | v. n.
D English-Chinese Table Tennis Dictionary
Dawei ITTF Pro Tour Grand Finals 2001 or 2001 Dawei ITTF Pro Tour Grand
Finals | 大维2001 国际乒联职业巡回总决赛 |
dead | 不转球? | n. A ball with no spin.
deep (See long) | 长球 | a. 1. A ball that bounces on the opponent’s side
of the table very close to the endline. 2. A serve or push that would not
bounce twice on the opponent’s side of the table (if given the chance)
default | 失去比赛资格 | Being disqualified from a match for any reason.
defeat | 打败 | v.
defender | 防守方, 防守型运动员 | n.
defensive | 防守的 | a.
delegation | 代表团 | n.
Deng Yaping | 邓亚萍(中国选手)| (CHN) 1991, 1995 and 1997 World Champion (
Women’s single)
Depetrisova, Vlasta || (TCH) 1939 World Champion (Women’s single)
deuce | 局点前的最后平局,如20平,10平 | n.
diagonal | 斜线的 | a.
diagonally | 斜线地 | adv.
die out | (旋转)消失 | vp.
direction | 方向 | n.
disguise | 装作,假装 | v.n.
disputed edge ball, a | 有争议的擦边球 | np.
double | 连击 | n.
double bounce | 两跳 | np. A ball that hits the same side of the table twice
. The person on that side loses the point.
doubles | 双打 | n.
down | 下, 落后 | adv. prep. a.
down the line | 直线 | np. A ball that is hit along one side of the table.
draw | 抽签 | n.
drive | 攻球 | v. n.
drop shot | 吊球,近网短球 | np. Putting the ball so short that the opponent
has trouble reaching it. Done when the opponent is away from the table.
dump shot | 勉强的球 | np. All hitters must accept the fact that sometimes
you must go for a dump shot to make sure that you don’t miss an opportunity
to smash. (Larry, 1993: 119)
E English-Chinese Table Tennis Dictionary
early (stage) | 上升期 | a. n.
Eguchi, Fujie || (JPN) 1957 World Champion (Women’s single)
elbow | 肘部 | n.
endline | 底线 | n.
ENG | 英格兰 | England
erratic | 无规律的 | a. an ~ shot || However, his backhand seemed more
erratic, and he began to make mistake from both wings.
error | 错误 | n.
even up | 打平 | vp.
exert the authority | 执法, 行使职权 | vp.
expedite system / rule | 超时轮换发球制 / 规则 | np. If a game has continued
for 15 minutes without the game ending, the expedite rule takes effect. A
point is awarded to the receiver who returns 13 consecutive shots after
expedite has been called. Players alternate serves after expedite has been
explosive | 爆发的 | a. ~ power ||
Adelyn 发表于 2005-10-14 14:03
F English-Chinese Table Tennis Dictionary
Farkas, Gizella || (HUN) 1947, 1948 abd 1949 World Champion (Women’s single)
fast | 快 | a.
fast-paced | 节奏快的 | a.
feed | 喂球 | v.
feeder | 喂球者,陪练者 | n.
final | 决赛 | n.
finalist | 参加决赛的选手 | n.
fish | 放高球 | v (See lobber)
flat | 平球,不转的球 | n. A ball that has no spin, usually traveling fast.
The ball hits the racket straight on, at a perpendicular angle, e.g. a flat
shot ||
flexibility | 灵活(性)| n,
flight | (球的)飞行 | n.
flip | (台内)挑攻,旋转球拍 | v. n. An aggressive topspin return of a ball
that lands near the net (a short ball). To move in twists and turns
float | 漂,浮 | a. backspin is usually float
follow-through | 手臂击球后的惯性动作 | n. It is the natural progression of
the racket forward and up after a stroke
follow-up | 跟进球 | n.
foot | 脚 | n.
footwork (forward, backward, side-to-side) | 步法 | n. How a person moves to
make a shot.
forearm | 前臂 | n.
forehand | 正手 | n. Any shot done with the racket to the right of the elbow
for a right-hander, to the left for a left-hander.
forward | 向前 | adv.
FRA || France
free hand | 非执拍手 | np. The hand not holding the racket.
front | 前面的 | a.
Fukazu, Naoko || (JPN) 1965 World Champion (Women’s single)
G English-Chinese Table Tennis Dictionary
Gaiten, Jean-Philippe | 盖亭 (法国选手) | (FRA) 1993 World Champion
game | (比赛) 局 | n.
game point | 局点 | np.
Ge Xinai | 葛新爱(中国选手)| (CHN) 1979 World Champion (Women’s single)
GER | 德国 | Germany
get in | 上前, 上手 | v.
glue | 胶水 | n.
graze | 摩擦 | v.
grazing | 摩擦的 | a.
grip | 执拍法 | n. pen grip ||, pendulum serve grip || (Larry, 1993: 109)
grippy | 粘球的 | a. grippy inverted rubber
groove | 适应,顺手 | n. fig. If a hitter gets into a groove, the game’s
Guo Yuehua | 郭跃华(中国选手)| (CHN) 1981 and 1983 World Champion (Men’s
gym | 体育馆 | n.
H English-Chinese Table Tennis Dictionary
hand (right hand; left hand) | 手 | n.
handicap events | 残疾人比赛 / 赛事? | np. A tournament event where points
are spotted to make the match even.
handle | 球拍的柄 | n. straight (ST) | 直柄 | flare (FL) | 收腰柄 | anatomic
(AN) | 葫芦柄 | conical | 锥形柄 |
hanger | ? | n.
hard rubber | 光胶皮球拍 | np. A type of racket covering with pips-out
rubber but no sponge underneath. It was the most common covering for many
years until the development of sponge rubber but is now rarely used.
Hasegawa, Nobuhiko | (日本选手) | (JPN) 1967 World Champion (Men’s single)
He Zhili | 何智丽(中国选手)| (CHN) 1987 World Champion (Women’s single)
Hidden serve | 遮掩式发球 | n
high | 高的 | a.
high kicking loop | 高吊弧旋 | np.
high toss serve | 高抛发球 | n. A serve where the ball is thrown high into
the air. This increases both spin and deception.
hip | 臀 | n.
hip | 臀部 | n.
His En-ting | 郗恩廷(中国选手)| (CHN) 1975 World Champion (Men’s single)
hit | 击球 | v.
hitter | 击球方,攻击型选手 | n. A  of play where hitting is the primary
Hu Yu-lan | 胡玉兰(中国选手)| (CHN) 1973 World Champion (Women’s single)
HUN | 匈牙利 | Hungary
Hyun Jung hwa || (KOR) 1993 World Champion (Women’s single)
I English-Chinese Table Tennis Dictionary
incoming | 来/到的 | a.
index finger | 食指 | np.
intimidated | 战战兢兢的,畏畏缩缩的 | a.
inverted racket | 反胶球拍 | np.
inverted sponge | 反胶 | np. The most common racket covering. It consists of
a sheet of pimpled rubber on top of a layer of sponge. The pips point
inward, toward the sponge, so the surface is smooth. This is the opposite of
pips-out sponge, where the pips point outward, away from the sponge.
ISR | 以色列 | Israel
ITA | 意大利 | Italia
Itoh (Shigeo Itoh) | 伊藤 (日本选手)| 1969 World Champion
ITTF (International Table Tennis Federal) | 国际乒联 (国际乒乓球联合会) |
The governing body for world table tennis.
J English-Chinese Table Tennis Dictionary
Jacobi, Roland || (HUN) 1926 World Champion (Men’s single)
Jiang Jialiang | 江嘉良 (中国选手)| (CHN)1985 and 1987 World Champion
Jonyer (Istvan Jonyer) | 约尼尔(瑞典选手)| (SWE) 1975 World Champion
Joo Se-Hyok | 朱思赫 (韩国选手) | (KOR)
JPN | 日本 | Japan
judge | 判断 | v.
judgment | 判断 | n.
Jung Kuo-tuan | 容国团(中国选手)| (CHN) 1959 World Champion (Men’s single)
junk player | 怪球手 | np. A player who uses an unusual racket covering,
usually long pips or antispin.
K English-Chinese Table Tennis Dictionary
Karlsson | 卡尔松 (瑞典选手) | (SWE)
Keen Trinto | 凯恩 (荷兰选手) | (NED)
keep | 保持 | v.
Kettnerova, Marie || (TCH) 1933 and 1935 World Champion (Women’s single)
kill off | 扣失 | But Kim Taek Soo kills Liu Guozheng’s serve off. | 但是金
泽洙扣杀刘国正的发球失误 |
kill shot | 扣杀球 | np. (see smash)
Kim Hyon Hui | 金英姬 (朝鲜选手)| (PRK)
Kim Hyong Mi | 金香美 (朝鲜选手)| (PRK)
Kim Taek Soo | 金泽洙 (韩国选手) | (KOR)
Klampar (Tibor Klampar) | 克兰帕尔(波兰选手) | (POL)
knee | 膝 | n.
knife grip (See western grip) | 横拍握法 | np.
knock acock | 打败 | vp.
Kohno, Mitsuru | (日本选手) | (JPN) 1977 World Champion (Men’s single)
Kolar, Stanislav || (TCH) 1936 World Champion (Men’s single)
Kong Linghui || (CHN) gold titleholder of the Olympics, the World
Championships, the World Cup.
KOR | 韩国 | Korea
Korbel | 科贝尔 (德国选手) |
Kowada, Toshiko || (JPN) 1969 World Champion (Women’s single)
Adelyn 发表于 2005-10-14 14:04
L English-Chinese Table Tennis Dictionary
late (stage) | 下降期 | a. n.
Leach, Johnny || (ENG) 1949 and 1951 World Champion (Men’s single)
Lead | 领先 | v. a. In the second game, Persson again has a big ~, this time
17-8 and ties it up at 17 all! Nine in a row! But Persson pulls it out, 22-
Lee Eun Sil | 李恩实 (韩国选手) | (KOR)
left-handed | 左手的 | a.
lefthander | 左手运动员 | n.
lefty | 左手选手| n.
leg | 腿 | n.
let | 重发,无效,不算,重新来过 | n. If play is interrupted for any reason
during a rally, a let is called and the point does not count.
let serve | 擦网重发 | np. The most common type of let when a serve nicks
the net. As with other lets, the serve is taken over again.
light | 轻的,轻微的 | a. light spin
Lin Hui-ching | 林慧卿(中国选手)| (CHN) 1971 World Champion (Women’s
line (side line, endline) | 台边 (边线,底线)| n.
lineman | 底线司线员 | n.
little (spin) | 轻微的(旋转)| a.
Liu Guoliang || gold titleholder of the Olympics, the World Championships,
the World Cup
loaded | 加转的 | a. A ball with a great deal of spin.
lob | (放/打) 高球 | v. n. A high defensive return of a smash. Usually done
with topspin or sidespin.
lobber | 放高球的选手 | n.
long | 长的 | a. See deep.
long pips | 长胶 | np. A type of pips-out rubber where the pips are long and
thin and bend on contact with the ball. It returns the ball with whatever
spin was on it at contact and is very difficult to play against if you aren
’t used to it.
loop (fast loop; slow loop) | (拉)弧旋球(前冲弧旋,高吊弧旋)| v.n. A
heavy topspin shot, usually considered the most important shot in the game.
Many players either specialize in looping or in handling the loop. The back-
of-racket penhold backhand loop (直板反手反面拉,即为直板横拉)
looper | 弧旋球选手 | n. A  of play where the primary shot is the loop.
loose | 松的 | a.
lose | 失利, 输 | v.
low | 低的 | a.
low fast loop | 前冲弧旋 | np.
LUX | 卢森堡 | Luxemburg
M English-Chinese Table Tennis Dictionary
match | 比赛 | n. A two or three or three out of five games contest.
match point | 赛点 | np.
Matsuzaki, Kimiyo || (JPN) 1959 and 1963 World Champion (Women’s single)
Mechlovits, Zoltan || (HUN) 1928 World Champion (Men’s single)
medium (pace) | 中等节奏 | a.
Mednyanszky, Maria || (HUN) 1926, 1928, 1929, 1930 and 1931 World Champion (
Women’s single)
middle game | 过渡球 |
miss | 漏掉,错过 | v.
mixed doubles | 混合双打 | np.
more (spin) | 加转 | a.
Morisawa, Sachiko || (JPN) 1967 World Champion (Women’s single)
move | 移动,使…移动 | v. n. Move your opponent in and out. ||
multi-ball | 多球 | n.
N English-Chinese Table Tennis Dictionary
neck | 颈 | n.
NED | 荷兰 | Netherlands
net | 球网 | n. the ~ assembly | 网具 | np.
net measurer | 量网器 | np.
nick | 擦,触 | v.
NOR | 挪威 | Norway
no-spin | 不转 | a.
O English-Chinese Table Tennis Dictionary
official | 官员 | n.
offside | 出边线的 | a.
off-the-table | 离台的 | a.
Ogimura, Ichiro || (JPN) 1954 and 1956 World Champion (Men’s single)
Oh Sang Eun | 吴尚垠 (韩国选手) | (KOR)
Okawa, Tomie || (JPN) 1956 World Champion (Women’s single)
oncoming | 过来的(球)| a.
one-sided | 单面的 | a. A one-sided looper rushes all over the court trying
to use a forehand. ||
Ono, Seiji | (日本选手) | (JPN) 1979 World Champion (Men’s single)
open | 向上的 | a.
open racket | 拍面向上的球拍,亮拍型 | np. Racket position in which the
hitting surface is aimed upward, with the top edge learning toward you. [参
看closed racket |压拍型|]
opening | 空档 | n.
opponent | 对手 | n.
P English-Chinese Table Tennis Dictionary
pace | 节奏 | n. slow / medium / fast ~
Pak, Yung sung | 朴英顺? | (PRK) 1977 World Champion (Women’s single)
palm | 掌心 | n.
Park Sang Jun | 朴相俊 (韩国选手) | (KOR)
partner | 双打搭档 |
passive | 消极的 | a.
passively | 消极地 | a.
penhold backside hit | 直板横打 | penhold backside drive / loop / smash etc.
Pen-hold  grip | 直握法 | np.
penholder | 直拍选手 | n. A type of grip used mostly by Asians. It gives the
best possible forehand but the most awkward backhand of the conventional
Perry, Fred || (ENG) 1929 World Champion (Men’s single)
Persson, Jorgen | 佩尔森 (瑞典选手) | (SWE) 1991 World Champion
pick hitting | 防守中的突击 |
pick-hitting | 挑攻,台内攻球 ?| n.
picky | 挑剔的,讲究的? | a.
pips | 胶粒 | n. The small conical bits of rubber that cover a sheet of
table tennis rubber.
pips-out | 正胶 胶粒向外 | a. A type of racket covering. It consists of a
sheet of pips-out rubber on top of a layer of sponge. The pips point outward
, the opposite of inverted.
placement | 落点 | n. the placement of loops / smash / forehand drive
play | 打,比赛 | n.v. in ~ | 正在比赛中 | play sloppily | 打得稀松 |
player (professional; amateur; Chinese, Swedish, ..;) | 选手(专业的,业余的
,中国的,瑞典的)| n. a hot player | 兴奋起来的,状态好的选手 | np. A hot/
cold ~ | 冷热型选手 | a ‘big match’ player | 大赛型选手 |
playing area, the | 赛区 | np.
playing bag | 运动包 | np.
playing surface, the | 球台台面 | np. The top of the table, including the
upper edges.
point | 得分 | n.
POL | 波兰 | Poland
pop up | (球)高了 | vp. to pop a drop shot up | 短球放高了 |
position | 位置 | n. a ready ~ | 准备位置,预备位置 |
power | 力量 | n. Players are often using the whole of the arm plus the body
and a twist of the hips to get power. ||
powerful (loop) | 强力弧旋球 | a.
press area | 新闻报道区 | np.
Primorac | 普里莫拉茨(克罗地亚选手)| (CRO)
Pritzi, Gertrude || (AUT) 1937 (co-) and 1938 World Champion (Women’s
PRK | 朝鲜 | the Peoples Republic of Korea
pull ahead | 领先 | v.
pull away | 把比分拉开 | v.
push | 搓球 | v. n. A backspin return. Usually defensive. A sidespin ~ | 侧
(旋)搓,侧挤 |
pusher | 搓球方,搓球者 | n.
put away | 扣杀 | vp. See smash.
put-away shot | 扣杀球 | np. See smash.
Punch-block | 加力推档 |
Q English-Chinese Table Tennis Dictionary
Qiao Hong | 乔红(中国选手)| (CHN) 1989 World Champion (Women’s single)
R English-Chinese Table Tennis Dictionary
racket | 球拍 | n. What you hit the ball with. The blade plus covering. A
combination racket | 两面性能不同的球拍 |
racket hand | 执拍手 | np. The hand that holds the racket.
racket holder | 球拍袋/包 | np.
rally | 来回球, 相持球 | n. The hitting of the ball back and forth,
commencing with the serve and ending when a point is won. It is the period
of during which the ball is in play (See play).
rating events | 排名赛 | np. A tournament event that requires players to be
rated under a specified amount.
reaction time | 反应时间 | np.
read | 识别 (旋转)| v. the spin
ready position/home position | 预备位置 | np.
receive | 接发球 | v. n. The return of a serve.
receiver | 接发球方,接发球的选手 | n.
reckless | 粗心的 | a.
recover | 还原 | v.
relax | 放松 | v.
return | 回球 | v.
rhythm | 节奏 | n. to break the looper’s rhythm ||
right-handed | 右手执拍的 | a.
righty | 右手选手 | n
rip | 积极进攻,(侧身)抢攻 | v Liu Guozheng serves and rips a winner. |刘
国正发球抢攻得手| to rip a loop winner | 抢拉赢得一分 |
ROM | 罗马尼亚 | Romania
Rosskopf | 罗斯可普夫 (德国选手) | (GER)
rotate | 转圈 | v.
Rozeanu, Angelica || (ROM) 1950, 1951, 1952, 1953, 1954 and 1955 World
Champion (Women’s single)
rubber (backside) | 胶皮 | n. The racket covering. Sometimes refers only to
the rubber on top of a sponge base. || pips out ~ | 正胶胶皮 | inverted ~ |
反胶胶皮 | long pips ~ | 长胶胶皮 | semi long pips ~ | 半长胶胶皮 | anti-
spin/loop ~ | 防弧胶胶皮 |
rubber clearner | 胶皮清洁擦 | np. Used to keep the surface of inverted
rubber clean.
runner-up | 亚军 | n.
Rye Ji Hye | 柳智慧 (韩国选手)| (KOR)
Ryu Seung Min | 柳承敏 (韩国选手) | (KOR)
Adelyn 发表于 2005-10-14 14:06
S English-Chinese Table Tennis Dictionary
Saive | (大) 塞夫 (比利时选手) | (BEL)
Saive | (小) 塞夫 (比利时选手) | (BEL)
Samsorov | 萨姆索洛夫 (白俄罗斯选手) | (BLR) 2001 World Champion (Men’s
sandwich rubber | 套胶 | np. A sponge base covered by a sheet of rubber with
pips that point either in or out. If pointed in, it is inverted sponge. If
pointed out, it is pips-out sponge.
Satoh, Hiroji || (JPN) 1952 World Champion (Men’s single)
Scharlger, W. ?| 施拉格 (奥地利选手) | (AUT)
score | 计分,得分 | n.
scorer | 计分器 | n.
scoring system | 记分制 | 11-point ~ | 11分制 | 21-point ~ | 21 分制 |
second response | 二次反应 | n.
Seemiller grip | 西弥勒握拍法,又称美国式握拍法 | np. A grip that is often
used in the United States, named after five-time U.S. National Champion Dan
Seemiller, who developed it. Many coaches consider it an inferior grip and,
outside the U.S. it is almost unheard of. Also known as the American grip.
semi-final | 半决赛 | n.
semifinalist | 参加半决赛的选手 | n.
serve (non-spin; backspin / underspin; side-spin; topspin one; toss; squad;
two bounce serve) | 发球 | v. n. The first shot, done by the server. It
begins with the ball being tossed from the palm of the hand and struck by
the racket. || In the first, Bratanov was leading 19-16, but Placemtini won
all five on his ~ to win 21-19. ||
serve off | 发球 | v.
server | 发球方 | n.
service | 发球 | n. ~ change ||
set | 局? | n.
set point | 局点?| np.
severe | 强烈的 | a. ~ spin ||
shadow | 徒手的 | a. a shadow-stroke | 徒手击球 | a ~ practice | 徒手训练 |
You can ~ the various shots and techniques without a ball. ||
shakehands grip | 横握法 | np. The most popular grip. It gives the best
balance of forehand and backhand.
shift | 移动 (重心)| v.
short | 短的,短球 | a. n. A ball that would bounce twice on the opponent’s
side of the table if given the chance.
shot | 好球,击球 | n. a high-risk shot ||
shoulder | 肩 | n.
sidespin | 侧旋 | n. A type of spin most effective on serves. When you use
sidespin, that ball spins like a record on a record player.
sidespin loop | 侧旋弧旋 | np.
Sido, Ferenc | 西多 | (HUN) 1953 World Champion (Men’s single)
SIN | 新加坡 | Singapore
single | 单打的 | a.
singles | 单打 | n.
Sipos, Anna | ? | (HUN) 1932 and 1933 World Champion (Women’s single)
slow | 慢节奏 | a. ~ pace
smash | 扣杀 | v. n. a smash is a very powerful forehand or backhand attack,
also called kill shot or a put-away shot. / Ball is hit with enough speed
so opponent cannot make a return. Also called a kill shot or a put-away shot.
smother kill | 近网吊球 | n. a short return, usually used against a lob. /
to smash right off the bounce. Usually done against lob.
snap | 挑?| v. a wrist ~ | 翻腕挑(尤指反手的台内挑打)|
souvenir | 礼品 | n.
spare | 备用的 | a.
specialize in | 擅长(训练的结果)| vp.
spectator | 观众 | n.
speed | 速度 | n.
speed glue | 速干胶 | n. A type of glue that can be put under a sheet of
table tennis sponge to make it faster and spinier.
spin (topspin; backspin / underspin; sidespin; non-spin; spin combination,
crazy spin) | 旋转 | v. n. The rotation of the ball.
sponge | 海绵 | n. The bouncy rubber material used in sandwich covering
under a sheet of rubber with pips. It revolutionized the game and ended the
hard rubber age in the 1950s.
stable | 稳定的 | a.
stage (early, peak, late, very late) | 击球时期 (上升期, 高点, 下降期, 下降
末期) | n.
stamina | 抗击/对抗能力 | n.
stance | 站位 | n. ready stance | 预备站位 |
stand | 观众席, 比赛观看台 | n.
standing | 名次 | n.
step | 移动步伐 | v. Watch to see if they step around the backhand corner
too much. If so, return the fast serve wide to the forehand with a quick
drive or block. (Larry, 1993: 119)
step around | 侧身 | v.
Stipancic (Anton Stipancic) | 斯蒂潘尼契(南斯拉夫选手)| (YUG)
strategy | 策略 |
strength | 力量,优势 | n. Everyone has his or her strengths and weaknesses.
|| But the second wasn’t exactly close at first ---- Boll led 17-7, 19-2,
and 20-16, mostly on the ~ of his attack.
stretch | 伸展 | v. n.
stroke (preparation; contact; follow-through) | 击球 | n. v. Any shot used
in the game, including the serve.
Surbek, Dragutin | 舒贝克 (南斯拉夫选手)| (YUG)
swat | 劈杀 | v.
Swaythling (Cup) | 斯韦思林 (杯) (男子团体冠军)| n.
SWD | 瑞典 | Sweden
swing | 摆动 | v.
Szabados, Miklos || (HUN) 1931 World Champion (Men’s single)
T English-Chinese Table Tennis Dictionary
table | 球台 | n.
tactics | 战术,策略 | n.
Tanaka, Toshiaki || (JPN) 1955 and 1957 World Champion (Men’s single)
TCH | 捷克 |
team | 球队 | n. the national ~ | 国家队 |
tentative | 暂时的 | a.
The World Table Tennis Championships (The World Championships) | 世界乒乓球
锦标赛 (世锦赛) | np.
threat | 威胁 | v. n.
thumb | 大拇指 | n.
tie | 比赛, 对局, 对阵 | n.
tight | 紧的, 紧张的 | a.
timeout | 暂停 | n.
title | 头衔,赛事冠军 | n.
Tong Ling | 童玲(中国选手)| (CHN) 1981 World Champion (Women’s single)
topspin | 上旋球 | n. A type of spin used on most aggressive shots. When you
topspin the ball, the top of the ball moves away from you.
toss | 抛起 | v.
tournament | 锦标赛 | n. A tournament is a competition in which players who
win a match continue to play further matches until just one person or team
is left to win the champion.
TPE | 中国台北 | China Taiwan
trade off | 各胜(多少) | v.
training | 训练 | n.
trampoline | 弹,崩 | v. Hold the racket with a relaxed grip and let the
ball sink into the sponge and trampoline back, usually with a light topspin.
(Larry, 1993: 63)
transfer | 转移 | v. He transfers some of the weight on his left leg to his
right leg. ||
transition | 转换 | n. a smooth, flowing ~ from one shot to the next ||
truck | 躯干 | n.
Twirl | 球拍旋转法 | n. Turning the racket, usually in the middle of a serve
or while the ball is in play, to confuse the opponent as to which type of
rubber is being used at a specific time. Not as deceptive as it once was,
because of the ‘two color rubber’ law. (San Diego Table Tennis Association
Website )
twist | 扭转 | v.
Two color rubber law | 两面胶皮两种颜色条例 | np. A table tennis law put
into effect, namely using red rubber on one side of the racket and black
rubber on the other side, so opponents will not be so confused and deceived.
(San Diego Table Tennis Association Website )
two-step footwork | 跨步 | np. The most popular  of footwork where the
player starts with a short step with the foot on the side he or she is
moving to. Then, the other foot follows as both feet move together.
U English-Chinese Table Tennis Dictionary
umpire | 裁判 | n. The official who keeps score and enforces rules during a
underspin (See backspin) | 下旋 | n. See backspin.
up | 上 |
upward | 向上 | adv.
USA | 美国 | the United States of America
USTTA (United States Table Tennis Association) | 美国乒乓协会 | The
governing body for table tennis in the United States.
V English-Chinese Table Tennis Dictionary
Vana, Bohumil || (TCH) 1938 and 1947 World Champion (Men’s single)
versatility | 技术多样,战术多变 | n. The key to beating a hitter is
versatility. (Larry, 1993” 119)
very late (stage) | (球的) 下降后期 | ap.
vicious | 凌厉的 | a. a ~ loop ||
volley | 台内阻挡 | v. n. To hit the ball before it bounces on your side of
the table, which results in an immediate loss of the point for you.
volley block | ?|
W English-Chinese Table Tennis Dictionary
waist | 腰 | n.
Waldner | 瓦尔德内尔 (瑞典选手) | (SWE) 1997 World Champion (Men’s single)
Wang Nan | 王楠 (中国选手)| (CHN) 2000 and 2001 World Champion (Women’s
warm up | 准备活动,热身 | v. n.
watt | 亚光(的),不反光的 | n.a.
weakness | 弱点,劣势 | n.
weight | 重心,重量 | n.
western  grip | 横握 (球拍) | np.
whiff | ?| v.
whiplash | 鞭击似的击球 | n. to give the ball ~ ||
whip-through | 鞭击似的抽球 | n. The whip-through after contact is really
wide forehand | 正手空档 | np. Go to the wide forehand, then come back to
the backhand.
wild card | 外卡 | n
win | 胜利, 嬴 | v.
wing (one-winged; two-winged) | 面 (单面;两面) | n.
winner | 胜方,得分 | n.
wrist | 手腕 | n. a ~ snap
X English-Chinese Table Tennis Dictionary
Y English-Chinese Table Tennis Dictionary
Yoo Nam Kyu | 刘南奎 (韩国选手) | (KOR) 1988 Olympic Champion (Men’s single)
YUG | 南斯拉夫 | Yugoslavia
Yugoslavia | 南斯拉夫 | (YUG)


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