Wednesday, October 06, 2010

10/06: Factory Patterns of DP

  • Simple factory pattern
    • the instantiation logic will be written in factory method
      • ….
      •             if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(fruitType))
                        switch (fruitType)
                            case "Apple":
                                return new Apple();
                            case "Orange":
                                return new Orange();
                            case "Pear":
                                return new Pear();
                            case "Banana":
                                return new Banana();

    • Against Open-Close rule when adding new instance which need to modify above code


  • Factory Pattern
    • the instantiation logic will be written in client application
      • ….
      •    //首先要实例化一个苹果工厂
                    factory = new AppleFactory();
                    fruit = factory.GetFruit();

                    factory = new PearFactory();
                    fruit = factory.GetFruit();



    • Not against open-close rule when adding new instance.
  • Abstract Factory Pattern.
    • Abstract factory pattern is very similar as factory pattern.
    • Difference :
      • Factory pattern is better used for adding a new object under same family( like add a new peachfactory item to fruitfacotry family)
      • Abstract pattern is better used for adding a new brand new family which share similarly with existing family(like database operation component for Oracle , Sqlserver , DB2, SAP, etc).
      • Abstract factory return factory object while factory return its subclass object.(so abstract factory is one level higher than factory )


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